Foto de Jimena Gomez Lues

Designing accessible workplaces for visually impaired people

Gomez, JL Langdon, PM, Bichard, JA and Clarkson, PJ (2014) In the new digital era, workplaces are constantly changing to incorporate, e.g. new information and communication technologies (ICTs), as well as ergonomic features that attempt to improve the wellbeing of workers. Such technological advances, along with globalisation and demographic changes […]

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Foto de Jimena Gomez Lues

REM: A new model to support effective persuasive interventions for changing disabling attitudes within the UK and Chilean workplace

Gomez, JL Langdon, PM, JA and Clarkson, PJ (2015) Abstract People with impairment still cope with greater numbers of barriers that restrict inclusive working, for example, physical infrastructure (staircases) and technologies (screen reader). We introduce a new model for understanding attitudes towards disabled people in the workplace. Using this model […]

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