Parte del trabajo de InHoy, se refiere a la importancia de la investigación en temas de discapacidad, con el objetivo de implementar distintas áreas de cooperación académica, social y de políticas públicas, por medio de la producción de estudios, manuales, estándares y discusión de las problemáticas asociadas a la discapacidad. Los resultados de estas investigaciones y desarrollos colaborativos, no se limitan al ámbito académico, sino que llegan directamente a las personas, para su bienestar y el desafío de la inclusión.
Navigating the workplace environment as a visually Impaired person
Gomez, JL Langdon, PM, JA and Clarkson, PJ (2016)
An inclusive workplace environment should be comfortable and functional for all of its users.
Describing the REM Model: A new approach for shaping attitudes towards impairment in the workplace
Gomez, JL Langdon, PM, JA and Clarkson, PJ (2015)
As a result of researching attitudes towards disability in UK and Chilean workplaces, we introduced a new model, named as REM, for understanding attitudes through modelling disability.
REM: A new model to support effective persuasive interventions for changing disabling attitudes within the UK and Chilean workplace
Gomez, JL Langdon, PM, JA and Clarkson, PJ (2015)
Abstract People with impairment still cope with greater numbers of barriers that restrict inclusive working, for example, physical infrastructure (staircases) and technologies (screen reader).
Investigation: Designing accessible workplaces for visually impaired people
Gomez, JL Langdon, PM, Bichard, JA and Clarkson, PJ (2014)
In the new digital era, workplaces are constantly changing to incorporate, e.g. new information and communication technologies (ICTs), as well as ergonomic features that attempt to improve the wellbeing of workers.
Análisis Crítico de la Inclusión de Estudiantes con Discapacidad en la Universidad Austral de Chile
Gomez J., Salazar C., (Mayo 2014)
Esta investigación corresponde a un estudio de caso realizado en la Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), con el objetivo de evaluar el proceso de inclusión de los Estudiantes con Discapacidad (EcD) que han ingresado al plantel educacional.
Challenging Employment Attitudes: Understanding the role of inclusive design for the inclusion of disabled people
Gomez, JL Langdon, PM, Bichard, JA and Clarkson, PJ (2013)
The world has, traditionally and historically, been divided into disabled and non-disabled people.